Lynn Tranchell, MS, LMC, LUT

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Master Quantum Living Coach Lynn Tranchell has been active with The Quantum Living Process since its earliest days. As a former Board President and a member of Unity of Buffalo for more than 20 years, Lynn was instrumental in bringing The Quantum Living Process to her spiritual community. Lynn actively supported the ministry in preparing to participate in the hallmark program The Transformation Experience offered by Unity Worldwide Ministries. Lynn took this support further by becoming a certified Quantum Living Coach in 2010 and she has been teaching and coaching people in The Quantum Living Process practice since then. In 2020, Lynn became a Master Quantum Living Coach so she could support new and continuing Quantum Living Coaches.

Lynn is a Licensed Unity Teacher and an award winning, international, certified Life Mastery Consultant (transformational life coach). Lynn earned her BA in Psychology because she enjoyed studying the workings of the human mind. She soon discovered that the electronic brain was just as fascinating and earned her MS in Computer Science several years later. She has worked in and out of the corporate world and has had her own consulting business for over 30 years.

Engaged spirituality is at the heart of Lynn's life. She has been an important steadying influence for Unity of Buffalo during times of transition bringing her passion for learning and her drive to integrate cutting-edge tools and techniques to her community.

Lynn's quiet style of leadership aligns well with her philosophy of leadership which emphasizes developing leadership in others. She believes in creating an environment where people feel empowered to do what they are called to do. Lynn's masterful balance in knowing when to lead and when to allow others to lead is one of the first things people notice about her. Lynn is well-known for her respectful, gentle way of moving through this world… and changing it for the better.

Her favorite passion is spoiling her 5 great niece and nephews.

Lynn's favorite quote is from Audrey Hepburn – “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I'm possible’!”


Ira Hilf


Rachel Simpson MDIV